Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weigh in - Week 3

I know, I's been a while, but it's hard to do this and blog it and do all the summer stuff that keeps my so busy. So, I'll try but I'm not sure I'll be doing every day like I did in the beginning. I'll do it when we have something new or fun worth mentioning.
Tyler and I weighed in yesterday morning since we didn't get home until Monday evening from camping. Tyler was down another 2.6 pounds! That's almost 11 pounds total for him so far. I'm sooo proud of him, he's doing so great!
I was the same....blah. But....we were camping all weekend and usually I would have packed all sorts of snacks and bars and stuff that would have helped me gain back the 10 I've already lost, so I suppose I can't complain too much.
We did really good on our weekend up north. Here's the quick rundown...
Our 2 dinners were turkey burgers on the grill with veggies and dip...and lo cal brats with fruit and baked beans the other night.
For our lunches we had sandwiches and for snacks we had fruit or veggies. The amazing thing is that the kids didn't even complain. They never seemed to miss all the sugary, fatty snacks...they were excited about the strawberries, cherries, grapes, cukes, and string cheese for the options. Just goes to show how easily you can get your kids appreciating good eating habits.

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